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Although our primary focus is on Coho, we hold a deep appreciation for all species of fish. As part of our regular activities, we conduct surveys of the streams in our area to determine water temperatures and which species of fish are present as well as their maturity. Sometimes we will do a survey of the whole river using gee traps and compare it to data from previous years. It is crucial to have an understanding of the fish populations present within our local watersheds, as this helps us make informed conservation decisions that support the health and well-being of aquatic ecosystems and the wildlife that depend on them.

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Each fall, a team of volunteers collects fish from the river. The eggs are then harvested, fertilized, and put into incubation trays. Over the winter, the eggs will mature and be released in the spring or summer. 

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Releasing Fry

Releasing fry is a fun activity usually preformed by our Summer Students, community volunteers, and visitors. It is a great activity to engage all ages in the process of salmon conservation.

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